Ulva lactuca
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Ulva lactuca

  • Vitamin C
  • Magnesium
  • Protein
  • Iron
  • Iodine
  • Aosaine
  • Heparin

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Bio organic algae product

EU agriculture

This product is also available in conventional form in addition to the organic version.

Typical applications: Ulva lactuca

typical applications for Ulva lactuca  Powder

Typical applications

Ulva lactuca, also known as "sea lettuce", is a green algae that can be found almost all over the world on sea coasts.

The sea lettuce is, as the name suggests, often eaten and offered as a sea salad. But it also finds a place in pasta or seasoning mixtures.

Not only for us humans is the sea lettuce healthy, but also as an additive for animal feed, as it offers a variety of micro and macro nutrients.

Because of its many trace elements and minerals Ulva lactuca is an excellent fertilizer.

What makes Ulva lactuca especially unique are the two substances heparin and aosaine that are contained in it. Heparin helps against the sagging of the skin, while aosaine strengthens and firms the skin and thus helps against the formation of wrinkles.

The powder is commonly used for food and dietary supplements.

This product is available in the following forms: Ulva lactuca powder, Ulva lactuca flakes, dried Ulva lactuca raw algae or Ulva lactuca fresh algae. This product is also available as a non-organic variant.

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