Palmaria palmata (Dulse)
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Palmaria palmata (Dulse)

  • Traditional food ingredients
  • Trace elements: Iron, Potassium, Magnesium
  • Proteins and Vitamin B

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Typical applications: Palmaria palmata (Dulse)

typical applications for Palmaria palmata (Dulse)  Liquid

Typical applications

Palmaria palmata, also known as "Dulse", is a red algae widely found along the Atlantic coast. Traditionally it is often used for food and is a good source of trace elements such as iron, magnesium and potassium. It also contains vitamin B-6 and protein, making it a good source of additional vitamins and minerals.

Palmaria palmata also plays a role in natural cosmetics. When used in creams, it creates a protective film on the skin and protects it with its many trace elements. This is an advantage especially for easily irritated skin as it is better protected against external influences like sun and wind.

Examples of this are the numerous products of the Dulse & Rugosa brand from the USA.

The liquid is usually used in the production of cosmetics.

This product is available in the following forms of liquid extracts:

  • Glycerin extract
  • Water-glycerin extract
  • Water extract
  • Alcoholic extract

The product is also available as powder.

Typical applications in the cosmetics industry:

The rich ingredients of Palmaria palmata, such as calcium, iron, amino acids, pantothenic acid (vitamin B5), magnesium, various ingredients with antibacterial effect and the high content of folate can promote cell growth, and thus improve the skin appearance.

As a result, the red alga Palmaria palmata is increasingly used in moisturizing creams, bath salts, eye gels, skin cleansers and massage oils. In addition, it is used in shampoos, hand creams, conditioners, soaps, shaving and cleansing creams.

Another positive side effect is that the blood circulation and cell renewal are stimulated by the red algae and protects the skin from external influences.

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