Nannochloropsis sp.
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Nannochloropsis sp.

  • EPA > 1,4 %
  • beta-Carotene
  • Lutein
  • Neoxanthin

Delivery time
3-7 weeks
Quality by Alganex - icon

Why is Nannochloropsis powder important in aquaculture?

As a basic feed, Nannochloropsis contains all essential nutrients and essential fatty acids such as EPA, which are necessary for the development of crustaceans and rotifers. Due to the drying process the product has a long shelf life and does not require additional cooling.

Introduction: Nannochloropsis sp.

What is Nannochloropsis?

Nannochloropsis is a genus of microalgae. The unicellular algae are spherical to elongated and measure on average about 2-5 micrometers. Species of Nannochloropsis are already widely used in various industries.

Where is Nannochloropsis found?

The species of the genus Nannochloropsis are found worldwide. They are mostly found in salty waters, seas. However, the microalgae can also be found in freshwater and brackish water.

How is Nannochloropsis cultivated?

Usually species of the genus Nannochloropsis are cultivated like other microalgae in closed photobioreactors. However, cultivation in open tanks in a saltwater medium is quite possible. In this case, the macroalgae is exposed to the environment and its contamination hazards.

The method of cultivation - the medium and the environmental parameters - also depend on what goals are pursued in terms of composition. This is because during cultivation, the nitrogen content associated with it can regulate the production of lipids to a certain extent, thus increasing the yield.

Regarding the different growing media and methods, there are some studies in the literature that go into more detail about the individual possibilities.

What species of Nannochloropsis are there?

The genus Nannochloropsis (N.) officially counts four recognized species. These are N. australis, N. granulata, N. oculta and N. oceanica.

In addition, two other species - Microchloropsis gaditana and Microchloropsis salina - were previously recognized under the genus Nannochloropsis, which were taxonomically reclassified in 2015. Today, the two species are nevertheless often listed under the genus Nannochloropsis.

What is the difference between Nannochloropsis and Chlorella?

The biggest difference between Nannochloropsis and Chlorella, and generally compared to other microalgae, is the absence of chlorophyll b and chlorophyll c and the sole presence of chlorophyll a.

In addition, Nannochloropsis is able to produce high quantities of polyunsaturated fatty acids, which is not the case with Chlorella. In addition, both microalgae generally have different nutrient profiles, as they are different genera.

What is the composition of the nutrient profile of Nannochloropsis?

The species of the genus Nannochloropsis show high concentrations of polyunsaturated fatty acids and offer a variety of pigments and valuable proteins.

What fatty acids are found in Nannochloropsis?

Depending on breeding methods, species of the genus Nannochloropsis, with up to 60% of their dry weight, can be composed of lipids.

The proportion of saturated fatty acids found in Nannochloropsis includes high quantities of omega-3 fatty acids (mainly EPA and DHA), omega-6 fatty acids, palmitic acid and palmitoleic acid.

What pigments are contained in Nannochloropsis?

The species of the genus Nannochloropsis can accumulate larger quantities of chlorophyll a, violaxanthin and beta-carotene. In smaller quantities, Nannochloropsis may also contain astaxanthin, canthaxanthin, and vaucheriaxanthin.

What can Nannochloropsis be used for?

Species of the genus Nannochloropsis can be applied in a variety of industries due to their flexible nutrient profile.

Currently, Nannochloropsis is mainly used as an energy-rich food source for fish larvae and rotifers in aquaculture. In this context, the microalga forms a good basis for cultivation without the influence of fish in feed.

The high content of polyunsaturated fatty acids as well as the fast growth make the alga Nannochloropsis an interesting potential candidate for biofuel.

Components of Nannochloropsis species show excellent skin firming and protective effects in studies, which makes the microalga an interesting ingredient for cosmetic products.

Nannochloropsis species are particularly promising for use in dietary supplements due to their high unsaturated fatty acid and astaxanthin content.

In what forms is Nannochloropsis available?

The microalgae of the genus Nannochloropsis are available as a frozen paste and as a
powder. In aquaculture, the paste is most suitable as a feed when used directly within a short period of time.

Thus, when used after several months, the powder form of the macroalga is more recommended.

What is the role of Nannochloropsis as feed in aquaculture?

Nannochloropsis is best known for its role as a feed in aquaculture. It provides a fish-free alternative and is an excellent feed for rearing fish and rotifers.

With the high content of polyunsaturated fatty acids, pigments and proteins, the species of the genus Nannochloropsis offer a flexible range of nutrients, which are a basic requirement for the good development of fish and rotifers.

What are the benefits of Nannochloropsis for the skin?

Due to the different nutrients in the species of Nannochloropsis, the microalgae can have positive effects on the skin when used properly.

The effects, which have been tested in studies, include skin-firming properties, which help to reduce wrinkles and make the skin look younger.

In addition, the ingredients nourish and protect the skin with their antioxidant properties against free radicals, which can cause premature aging of the skin due to external stress.

What are the health benefits of Nannochloropsis?

Species of the genus Nannochloropsis have valuable and flexible nutrient profiles rich in nutritious polyunsaturated fatty acids (such as ALA, ARA and EPA), as well as a whole range of antioxidant pigments and proteins.

These nutrients have a wide range of health benefits, making Nannochloropsis an interesting candidate for dietary supplements.

Can Nannochloropsis be used in dietary supplements and foods?

Theoretically, it is possible to use Nannochloropsis in food and dietary supplements, as its nutritional profile lends itself well to this.

However, the legal basis for this varies by location, making it confusing as to how and where it can be used. Therefore, this should be reviewed and decided on an individual basis.

Typical applications: Nannochloropsis sp.

Nannochloropsis is vital for the growth and survival of small water larvae and rotifers. The larvae are living prey for aquariums and serve as fresh food for young fish and shrimps.

The product "PhytoBloom" from Necton offers a freeze-dried powder of Nannochloropsis especially for use as feed for rotifers and for the application of the Greenwater technique. Due to the drying process the powder has a long shelf life and can be easily dosed.

typical applications for Nannochloropsis sp.  Powder

Typical applications

  • Perfect for the breeding of live prey (e.g. rotifers)
  • Ideal also for the Greenwater technique 
certification Alganex icon

ALGANEX certificate system

  • ALGANEX guarantees a high quality product without impurities
  • The EPA content is at least 1,4 %.

Product information: Nannochloropsis sp.

Nannochloropsis powder contains many trace elements, essential amino acids and important fatty acids such as EPA (eicosapentaenoic acid), which is important for the rearing of larvae (molluscs and crustaceans) as well as for the breeding of rotifers as live food.


appearance green powder
EPA (eicosapentaenoic acid) > 1,4 %
humidity < 3 %

general composition per 100 g

crude ash 7,8 - 8,5 %
total lipids 16 - 20 %
proteins 47 - 53 %
carbonhydrates 17 - 27 %

heawy metals

arsenic                 < 1 mg/kg 
lead  < 1 mg/kg
cadium  < 0,1 mg/kg
mercury  < 0,1 mg/kg

microbiological contaminations

total bacterial count (aerobe)  < 1 x 104 KBE/g
E. coli undetectable
moult < 100 KBE/g
salmonella undetectable
coliformes germs < 100 KBE/g

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