Laminaria japonica
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Laminaria japonica

  • Magnesium
  • Iodine
  • Iron
  • Zinc
  • Amino acids
  • Vitamins A, B9, C, D, E

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Introduction: Laminaria japonica

What is Laminaria japonica?

Laminaria japonica is a large, edible seaweed also known as kombu. It is native to the coastal waters of Japan, Korea and China and has been used as a food and traditional medicine in these countries for centuries.

Laminaria japonica is rich in iodine and minerals such as calcium, iron and potassium and is often used in Asian cuisine to flavour soups, stews and rice dishes. There is evidence that Laminaria japonica may have health benefits, such as lowering cholesterol and improving thyroid function.

Where does Laminaria japonica grow?

Laminaria japonica, also known as Kombu, is native to the coastal waters of Japan, Korea, China and other regions of the Northwest Pacific. The alga usually grows on rocky substrates at depths of 2 to 10 meters and can grow up to 3 meters in length.

There are also farms that specialize in growing Laminaria japonica, particularly in Japan, Korea and China. The algae are grown on ropes or grids in sea waters to enable a controlled and sustainable harvest.

What does Laminaria japonica look like?

Laminaria japonica, also known as Kombu, is a brown macroalgae with long, broad, and ribbon-like leaves. The seaweed can grow up to 3 meters long and 30 cm wide, but typically they are between 1 and 2 meters long.

The leaves of Laminaria japonica are smooth and oval or elliptical in shape with a glossy surface and a dark brown hue. At the base of each leaf is a thick root that can attach itself to rocky surfaces or ropes.

Overall, Laminaria japonica has a tender and crunchy texture and a salty, umami-like flavor that is used as a condiment in many Asian dishes.

What makes Laminaria japonica so special?

There are several reasons why Laminaria japonica is a special and valuable seaweed.

Laminaria japonica is rich in nutrients such as iodine, calcium, iron and potassium.

It also contains several vitamins and amino acids that are important for a healthy diet.

In addition, Laminaria japonica has a unique taste and pleasant aroma. For this reason, the alga is used in many Asian dishes as a spice and flavor enhancer.

Laminaria japonica is often grown in aquaculture farms, allowing for a sustainable and environmentally friendly method of harvesting the alga. Overall, Laminaria japonica is a versatile and valuable seaweed, valued both as a food and as a traditional medicine.

What is behind the Laminaria japonica extract? 

Laminaria japonica extract is derived from the seaweed Laminaria japonica and is a commonly used ingredient in cosmetics and skin care products.

The extract contains a variety of nutrients, including minerals such as calcium, iron and iodine, as well as vitamins and antioxidants. These nutrients can help soothe and nourish skin by moisturizing, improving complexion and evening skin tone.

In addition, Laminaria japonica extract may also have anti-inflammatory properties that can help reduce redness and skin irritation.

It is important to note that every skin type is different and that an allergic reaction to Laminaria japonica extract can occur. It is recommended to do a patch test before using any new skin care product containing this extract.

What is Laminaria japonica recommended for?

Laminaria japonica has a wide range of uses due to its rich nutritional value and potential health benefits. Laminaria japonica is rich in nutrients such as iodine, calcium, iron and potassium. The algae can be taken as a dietary supplement in the form of capsules or tablets to provide the body with important nutrients.

Laminaria japonica algae extract is often used in cosmetics and skin care products to soothe, nourish and moisturize the skin. It can also help reduce redness and skin irritation.

In traditional medicine in Asia, the seaweed Laminaria is also used in Asian cuisine as a spice and flavor enhancer.

It is often added to soups, stews, and other dishes.

The algae is also used in animal husbandry as a feed additive to improve the health of farm animals such as cattle and pigs. Overall, Laminaria japonica offers a variety of uses that may be of interest due to its rich nutritional value and potential health-promoting properties. 


Typical applications: Laminaria japonica

typical applications for Laminaria japonica  Powder

Typical applications

The brown algae Laminaria japonica, also known as Saccharina japonica, is one of the most consumed and commercially important type of kelp or seaweed. As the name suggests, this brown algae is largely eaten in East Asia especially, representing the main source of Kombu, the most important edible seaweed. 

The Japanese leaf kelp is grown selectively in Asia and today represents the species with the highest production volume in aquaculture at all.

For thousands of years, people in Japan have used an extract of this alga as a supplement to their diet, especially in areas where there is increased heavy metal contamination in the soil.

These special algae have the ability to bind large amounts of heavy metals, such as mercury, lead, cadmium and aluminium. Besides the ability of binding heavy metals, these algae can contribute to the regeneration of cellular tissue, as well enhancing the immune system and positively affecting blood lipids and cholesterol.

This product is available in the following forms: Laminaria japonoca powder

Typical applications in the cosmetics industry:

Laminaria japonica can be used as a skin protectant. It helps to avoid the harmful effects of external factors on the skin. Laminaria japonica has antioxidant properties and can limit the influence of free radicals.
Laminaria japonica also has the potential to be used in anti-aging cosmetics as it has a tightening effect on the skin and reduces wrinkles. In addition, it has anti-inflammatory properties that can improve the appearance of the skin.

With regular use, Laminaria japonica can better retain moisture in the skin, making it a useful ingredient in moisturizers.

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