Dunaliella salina
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Dunaliella salina

  • beta-Carotene 2%, 2-3% or 4-6%.

Delivery time
3-5 weeks
Quality by Alganex - icon

Why is beta-carotene important?

Beta-carotene is an important provitamin as a precursor of vitamin A and, as an antioxidant, catches free radicals that can lead to cell damage.

Introduction: Dunaliella salina

What is Dunaliella salina?

Dunaliella salina is a type of microalgae that is commonly found in saltwater environments such as salt evaporation ponds, salt lakes, and other highly saline bodies of water. It is a unicellular organism that is typically green in color, but can also appear red or orange depending on the concentration of pigments such as beta-carotene and other carotenoids.

Dunaliella salina is notable for its ability to survive and thrive in extreme environmental conditions, including high levels of salinity, intense sunlight, and temperature fluctuations. This hardiness has made it of interest to researchers for a variety of applications, including biofuel production, food additives, and cosmetics.

In addition to its commercial applications, Dunaliella salina is also an important component of the marine food chain, serving as a food source for a variety of aquatic organisms such as shrimp, copepods, and other zooplankton.

Where does Dunaliella salina occur?

Dunaliella salina occurs in a variety of saltwater environments around the world, particularly in locations with high levels of salinity. It is commonly found in salt evaporation ponds used for the production of salt, as well as in salt lakes and other hypersaline bodies of water.

Some of the locations where Dunaliella salina has been identified include the Dead Sea, Great Salt Lake in Utah, USA, Lake Tuz in Turkey, and the salt flats of Western Australia. It can also be found in coastal areas where saltwater meets freshwater, such as estuaries and salt marshes.

Because Dunaliella salina is a photosynthetic organism, it requires sunlight to survive and grow. As such, it is typically found in shallow waters or areas where light can penetrate the water column. It can also thrive in extreme environmental conditions, such as high temperatures and salinity, making it a hardy and adaptable organism.

Why is Dunaliella salina orange?

Dunaliella salina is often orange or reddish in color due to the presence of pigments called carotenoids, particularly beta-carotene. Beta-carotene is a type of carotenoid that is commonly found in fruits and vegetables and is responsible for the orange color of carrots, pumpkins, and sweet potatoes.

In Dunaliella salina, beta-carotene serves as a protective mechanism against environmental stressors such as high levels of light and salinity. The pigment helps to absorb excess light energy and protect the organism from damage. Additionally, beta-carotene can be converted into vitamin A, which is important for a variety of biological processes such as vision and immune function.

The production of beta-carotene in Dunaliella salina can be influenced by environmental factors such as light intensity, salinity, and temperature. Under optimal conditions, the organism can accumulate high levels of beta-carotene, making it of interest for commercial applications such as food coloring, nutritional supplements, and cosmetics.

What can Dunaliella salina be used for?

Dunaliella salina has a variety of potential uses due to its unique properties and ability to survive in extreme environmental conditions.

Dunaliella salina can be used as a feed source for a variety of aquatic organisms, particularly in aquaculture settings. The high nutrient content of the algae makes it a potential alternative to traditional fish feed.

The high levels of beta-carotene in Dunaliella salina have made it of interest to the cosmetics industry, where it is used in products such as moisturizers, sunscreens, and anti-aging creams.

The aforementioned high levels of beta-carotene and other carotenoids in Dunaliella salina make it a potential source of natural food coloring and nutritional supplements. The organism is also being studied for its potential as a source of antioxidants and anti-inflammatory compounds. It is important to check the local regulations before trying to integrate Dunaliella salina into products meant for human consumption.

Typical applications: Dunaliella salina

Creams enriched with beta-carotene from Dunaliella protect the skin. Using such a cream not only protects from external influences, but also regenerates the skin and gives it a healthy complexion.

The day cream of Dr. Sea Oil-Free Moisturizing Cream Cucumber & Dunaliella Extracts thus moisturizes and protects the skin especially in air-conditioned and heated rooms.

typical applications for Dunaliella salina  Powder

Typical applications

  • Dunaliella powder is used as a colouring ingredient in various foods.  
  • In cosmetics, Dunaliella is used as a sunscreen and anti-aging agent.

Typical applications in the cosmetics industry:

Dunaliella salina acts as a powerful antioxidant and preserves the skin from oxidative stress and can help heal damage better. In addition, the algae has an anti-inflammatory effect.
Due to its rich content of minerals and vitamins, Dunaliella salina can help improve the appearance of the skin. These substances penetrate deep into the skin, leaving it refreshed and relaxed.

The fatty acids, proteins and vitamins help to form a protective film on the skin. This acts supportively for the skin to retain moisture better. In addition, the very high content of beta-carotene, which can be used preventively against skin aging.

certification Alganex icon

ALGANEX certificate system

  • ALGANEX guarantees a high quality product without impurities
  • Different beta-carotene contents can be offered with 2% and 2-3%.

Product information: Dunaliella salina

Dunaliella salina has a high content of carotenoids and the vital substance beta-carotene. Beta-carotene is the precursor of vitamin A and therefore essential for human health and a protected skin.


appearance orange
beta-carotene 2% or 2-3%.

heavy metals

arsenic                 < 1 mg/kg 
lead  < 1 mg/kg
cadium  < 0,1 mg/kg
mercury  < 0,1 mg/kg

microbiological contaminations

total bacterial count (aerobe)  < 1 x 104 KBE/g
E. coli undetectable
mould < 100 KBE/g
salmonella undetectable
coliformes germs < 100 KBE/g

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