Aurantiochytrium sp.
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Aurantiochytrium sp.

  • DHA
  • Protein
  • Amino Acids

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Introduction: Aurantiochytrium sp.

What is Aurantiochytrium sp.?

Aurantiochytrium is a genus of unicellular algae and belongs to the phylum Chlorophyta, also known as "green layers". However, Aurantiochytrium is also often referred to as "red algae" because Aurantiochytrium species are known for their abilities to produce astaxanthin, a pigment that gives them their characteristic orange-red color. Astaxanthin is a powerful antioxidant used in dietary supplements and as a natural food coloring. Some Aurantiochytrium species have also been shown to be potential biofuels, as they can produce large amounts of oil.

Where is Aurantiochytrium sp. found?

Aurantiochytrium sp. is found worldwide, in various aquatic ecosystems such as oceans, lakes, streams, rivers and ponds. It should be noted that only the appropriate growing conditions, such as light, pH balance, water, nutrients and the right temperature allow Aurantiochytrium sp. to thrive. Mainly, the algal genus is found in tropical and subtropical waters. 

However, some have been found in salt pans, salt lakes, and freshwater marshes as well as in colder waters, such as in the Pacific Northwest of Canada. The algae occur in marine and freshwater environments. 

What is the use of Aurantiochytrium sp. ?

Aurantiochytrium species are used in a number of commercial and industrial applications due to their ability to produce astaxanthin. The astaxanthin it produces is a powerful antioxidant used in dietary supplements and as a natural food colorant. 

It is also used as a feed additive for farmed fish such as salmon and trout to give their flesh a pink or orange color. Another special property is producing large amounts of oil. In addition, it has been researched that Aurantiochytrium sp. also serves as a potential source of biofuels. 

Some Aurantiochytrium species support in scientific research. They are used as model organisms in the study of the genetics and biochemistry of algae. 

How nutritious is Aurantiochytrium sp. ?

How nutrient-rich an algae or algal genus can be often depends on where it grows and the surrounding conditions. Any nutrients that algae generally possess are essential and beneficial to the human body. 

Aurantiochytrium sp. is rich in astaxanthin and thus has a strong antioxidant effect. Thus, this genus of algae serves as a protection against "free radicals", which on the one hand are formed by the body itself during various metabolic processes. On the other hand, they can be caused by harmful external influences such as environmental toxins, UV radiation from the sun.

What are the benefits of using Aurantiochytrium sp. ?

Aurantiochytrium species have some benefits to offer to humans and animals due to their constituents. Some studies suggest that astaxanthin may help lower blood pressure, reduce LDL cholesterol levels, and improve blood flow to the heart. It can also help reduce inflammation in the body, which serves to prevent a number of chronic diseases such as heart disease, cancer and diabetes.

It can also strengthen the immune system so that infections and diseases are better fought off. Proven to aid in anti-aging, the use of Aurantiochytrium sp. in cosmetics leaves skin with an improved appearance by reducing fine lines and wrinkles and correcting skin elasticity. Protection against oxidative stress is also a feature of the algae genus, as it can strengthen vision in people with age-related macular degeneration.


Typical applications: Aurantiochytrium sp.

typical applications for Aurantiochytrium sp.  Powder

Typical applications

Aurantiochytrium sp. is a microalgae which is mainly known for its very high content of omega-3 DHA fatty acids.

As Aurantiochytrium sp. has the highest content of DHA omega-3 fatty acids next to the microalgae Schizochytrium sp., it is extensively used and appreciated as an ingredient in animal feeds on land and in water. It provides an efficient and sustainable source of DHA omega-3 fatty acids that does not need to be sourced from fish.

Apart from its industrially relevant profile of lipids, Aurantiochytrium sp. microalgae offers other benefits based on its nutrient profile.

This product is available in the form of Aurantiochytrium sp. powder.

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