Ulva rigida
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Ulva rigida

  • Carbohydrate
  • Protein
  • Phenol
  • Lipids
  • Chlorophyll
  • Carotenoid

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Bio organic algae product

EU agriculture

This product is also available in conventional form in addition to the organic version.

Typical applications: Ulva rigida

typical applications for Ulva rigida  powder

Typical applications

Ulva rigida, also known as "sea salad" is a green algae that grows on rocky coasts.

The sea salad can be eaten as an alternative to traditional lettuce, as the name suggests.

It can be used as an additive for animal feed, as it offers a variety of micro and macro nutrients.

But Ulva rigida is also interesting for cosmetics. It acts as an antioxidant and thus protects the skin from free radicals.

This product is available in the following forms: Ulva rigida powder, Ulva rigida flakes and dried Ulva rigida raw algae. This product is also available as a non-organic variant.

Typical applications in the cosmetics industry:

Green algae Ulva rigida not only has antioxidant and antibacterial effect, but also has a strong antioxidant activity. Thus, the protein-containing algae provides protection against oxidative stress.

Ulva rigida is rich in ingredients that promote collagen biosynthesis as well as provide moisturizing properties.

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