Skeletonema sp.
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Skeletonema sp.

  • Omega-3 (EPA)
  • Vitamin A
  • Amino acids
  • Calcium
  • Antioxidants (Carotenoids)
  • Silicates

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Introduction: Skeletonema sp.

What is Skeletonema sp.?

Skeletonema sp. is a genus of unicellular marine algae belonging to the Thalassiosiraceae family. These algae are distributed in the oceans worldwide and play an important role in the marine ecosystem, providing a major food source for zooplankton.

Skeletonema sp. is a diatom that has a characteristic cylindrical shape and is usually between 10 and 50 micrometers in size. They play an important role in the production of oxygen in the ocean. Some species are able to remove nitrate and phosphate from the water and can help make the water clearer.

The microalgae Skeletonema sp. can also be used in aquaculture because it is rich in proteins and lipids. Thus, the alga can serve as food for fish and other marine life.

Where is Skeletonema sp. found?

Skeletonema sp. is found in oceans worldwide.

The microalgae is generally planktonic and prefers salty water. Skeletonema sp. is found in both cold and warm waters, from polar to tropical latitudes. Skeletonema sp. reproduces in coastal waters, estuaries, lagoons, bays, and the open sea.

Skeletonema sp. is especially common in nearshore areas and in marine areas with high nutrient content, such as near river mouths and near ocean currents that transport nutrients to the open ocean. Skeletonema sp. is also a common component of phytoplankton in the oceans and contributes to marine productivity.

What are the characteristics of Skeletonema sp.?

Skeletonema sp. is a genus of unicellular marine algae belonging to the diatom group. The cylindrical or elliptical shape of the alga is usually between 2 and 20 micrometers long and has a central axis surrounded by many radial ridges. Algae occur in a variety of marine habitats, including coastal waters, estuaries, and open oceans. 

Skeletonema sp. plays an important role in the marine ecosystem as it is a major food source for zooplankton and fish. It is also an important oxygen producer and contributes to the regulation of the carbon cycle in the ocean. The alga reproduces asexually and is capable of rapid growth and reproduction under suitable conditions. However, some Skeletonema species can also produce toxins that can be harmful to fish and other marine life.

Where is Skeletonema sp. used?

Skeletonema sp. is used in various industries, such as cosmetics and food industry. In the cosmetics industry, the microalga is valued for its ability to regulate skin metabolism and improve skin hydration. Skeletonema sp. finds various applications in cosmetic products such as skin creams, sunscreens and face masks.

In the food industry, it is used as a dietary supplement because Skeletonema sp. is rich in nutrients such as proteins, carbohydrates, vitamins and minerals. It is also used in aquaculture as a feed additive to promote fish growth.

In addition, the production of toxins by some Skeletonema species is being researched to better understand and minimize potential health risks to humans and marine animals.


Typical applications: Skeletonema sp.

typical applications for Skeletonema sp.  Powder

Typical applications

Skeletonema (also known as Skeletonema custatum) is part of the major algae group of Diatoms. It is a microalgae that can tolerate a wide variety of light regimes and temperatures.

Due to it's richness in Omega-3 fatty acids (EPA), Skeletonema finds its perfect use in aquaculture.

It is ideal for the development of live prey, such as Rotifers and Artemia and it contributes for the exoskeleton formation of prawn and mollusc larvae.

Skeletonema is also used as a raw material for bioactives extractions with antioxidant, anti-aging and sun care properties.

Besides these properties and a high amount of EPA, Skeletonema shows a considerable amount of Vitamin A, Amino acids, Calcium, Carotenoids and Silicates.


This product is available in the following forms: fine powder and frozen paste.

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