Dilsea carnosa
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Dilsea carnosa

  • Minerals
  • Amino Acids
  • Iodine

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On Demand weeks
Quality by Alganex - icon
Bio organic algae product

EU agriculture

This product is also available in conventional form in addition to the organic version.

Introduction: Dilsea carnosa

What is Dilsea carnosa?

Dilsea carnosa is a species of red algae, commonly known as the dilsea or red ribbon seaweed, that is found in the intertidal and shallow subtidal zones of the northeastern Pacific Ocean, from Alaska to California. The species is characterized by its reddish-brown color, ribbon-like fronds, and thick, leathery texture.

Dilsea carnosa is a relatively large species of red algae, with fronds that can reach up to 60 centimeters in length. The fronds are flat and ribbon-like, with a smooth, leathery texture and a distinctive reddish-brown color. The species is able to attach itself to rocky substrates using a holdfast, which allows it to withstand the strong currents and wave action in its habitat.

Where does Dilsea carnosa grow?

Dilsea carnosa is found in the intertidal and shallow subtidal zones of the northeastern Pacific Ocean, from Alaska to California. The species is most commonly found in areas with high wave exposure, where it is able to withstand the strong currents and turbulent waters.

Dilsea carnosa is typically found on rocky substrates, including boulders, bedrock, and cobble beaches. It is also sometimes found in kelp forests, where it can grow on the stipes and fronds of other algae.

The species is able to attach itself to rocky substrates using a holdfast, which allows it to withstand the strong currents and wave action in its habitat. The holdfast is relatively small compared to the size of the fronds, and may be difficult to spot in the field.

Because Dilsea carnosa is a relatively large and distinctive species of red algae, it is relatively easy to spot in its natural habitat, and can be a popular target for recreational divers and underwater photographers. However, the species is not widely used in commercial applications, and there is relatively little information available on its ecology and distribution.

For which application is Dilsea carnosa used for?

Dilsea carnosa is not widely used in commercial applications, but it is sometimes harvested for food in Alaska and other parts of its range. The species has a slightly bitter taste and a chewy texture, and is sometimes used in soups, salads, and other dishes in traditional Alaska Native cuisine.

In addition to its potential as a food source, Dilsea carnosa is sometimes used as a decorative element in aquariums and other displays. Its distinctive ribbon-like fronds and reddish-brown color can make it an attractive addition to marine-themed displays.

Overall, Dilsea carnosa is not a major commercial or economic resource, but it is an interesting and distinctive species of red algae that is appreciated for its aesthetic and cultural value. However, as with all marine resources, it is important to ensure that harvesting of Dilsea carnosa is carried out in a sustainable manner that does not have negative impacts on marine ecosystems or local communities.

Typical applications: Dilsea carnosa

typical applications for Dilsea carnosa  Fresh

Typical applications

The macroalga Dilsea carnosa belongs to the red algae and can be found, among other places, on the Atlantic coasts of Europe.

As a fresh product, Dilsea carnosa is well suited as an ingredient for fresh products and dishes. Its deep red color can enhance dishes visually in addition to flavor and texture.

This product is available in the following forms: Dilsea carnosa raw seaweed. This product is also available in a non-bio version.

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ALGANEX certificate system

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