Codium tomentosum
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Codium tomentosum

  • Sulfatedpolysaccharides
  • Glucuronicacid
  • Sugars
  • Minerals
  • Proteins
  • Beta-hydroxyacid (BHA)

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Quality by Alganex - icon
Bio organic algae product

EU agriculture

This product is also available in conventional form in addition to the organic version.

Introduction: Codium tomentosum

What is Codium tomentosum?

Codium tomentosum is a species of green algae in the genus Codium, commonly found along the coasts of the Pacific Ocean, from Japan to Australia. It is a slow-growing species and can form dense, cushion-like masses in shallow waters. The alga's name "tomentosum" refers to its densely hairy surface, giving it a velvety appearance.

Is Codium tomentosum a seaweed?

Yes, Codium tomentosum is a species of green algae in the division Chlorophyta. Within Chlorophyta, it belongs to the class Ulvophyceae and the order Bryopsidales. The genus Codium is one of the largest and most diverse genera of green algae, with over 100 species occurring worldwide in temperate and subtropical coastal waters. Codium tomentosum is one of the most widespread and well-known species in the genus.

Where does Codium tomentosum grow?

Codium tomentosum is commonly found along the coasts of the Pacific Ocean, from Japan to Australia. It typically grows in shallow waters and can form dense, cushion-like masses in areas with strong wave action or tidal currents. It can also be found in sheltered bays, lagoons, and estuaries. Codium tomentosum prefers warm to temperate waters and can tolerate a wide range of salinities.

Is Codium tomentosum edible?

Yes, Codium tomentosum is edible. It is used as food in some cultures and is prized for its crunchy texture and slightly salty taste. It is often used in salads, soups, and stir-fries, and can be served either fresh or dried. Though edible, local regulations need to be checked to make sure that it can also be distributed and sold as food.

What is Codium tomentosum used for?

As mentioned, it is used as a food source in some cultures and is prized for its crunchy texture and slightly salty taste. It is also used in aquaculture as a food source for certain species of shellfish and other marine organisms.

Extracts from Codium tomentosum have been used in cosmetics due to their moisturizing properties.

Typical applications: Codium tomentosum

typical applications for Codium tomentosum  powder

Typical applications

Codium tomentosum is a green algae that occurs in the eastern part of the Atlantic Ocean on the lower shores of rocky coasts.

Codium tomentosum is also known as “Spongeweed”. This is due to the fact that Codium tomentosum is able to store water through its ingredients so that it does not dry out at low tide.

These ingredients are also interesting for cosmetics as they prevent the skin from drying out and thus have a moisturizing effect.

Furthermore, Codium tomentosum is used as a foodstuff in many coastal areas.

This product is available in the following forms: Codium tomentosum powder, Codium tomentosum flakes, dried Codium tomentosum raw algae. This product is also available as a non-organic variant.

Typical applications in the cosmetics industry:

Codium tomentosum acts as an antioxidant and protects against external influences. It can thus protect against premature aging of the skin.

Codium tomentosum is rich in vitamins and minerals, which has a positive effect on the appearance of the skin. The ingredients penetrate deep into the skin and provide it with important substances.

The polysaccharides and lipids in Codium tomentosum help the skin retain moisture better and protect it from environmental influences. Thus, it has potential to be used in anti-aging products.

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