Chlorella pyrenoidosa
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Chlorella pyrenoidosa

  • up to 60% of Protein

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On Request weeks
Quality by Alganex - icon

Introduction: Chlorella pyrenoidosa

What is Chlorella pyrenoidosa?

Chlorella pyrenoidosa is a species of green algae that is commonly found in fresh water. It is a single-celled organism that is able to photosynthesize, meaning it can use energy from the sun to convert carbon dioxide and water into organic compounds like carbohydrates.

Is Chlorella pyrenoidosa a protist?

Yes, Chlorella pyrenoidosa is a protist. Protists are a diverse group of eukaryotic organisms that are not classified as animals, plants, or fungi. They are a diverse group of organisms that are united by the fact that they are all eukaryotic, meaning they have a true nucleus and other membrane-bound organelles.

Chlorella pyrenoidosa is a single-celled organism, and as such, it belongs to the group of protists known as algae.

What is the difference between Chlorella vulgaris and Chlorella pyrenoidosa?

Chlorella vulgaris and Chlorella pyrenoidosa are two different species of green algae that belong to the genus Chlorella. Both species are single-celled organisms that are able to photosynthesize and have high nutritional value. However, there are some differences between the two species.

One of the main differences between Chlorella vulgaris and Chlorella pyrenoidosa is their size. Chlorella pyrenoidosa is a larger algae than Chlorella vulgaris. Chlorella pyrenoidosa cells can be up to 10 micrometers in diameter, while Chlorella vulgaris cells are typically around 5 micrometers in diameter.

Another key difference between the two species is in the composition of the cell wall. Chlorella pyrenoidosa has a harder cell wall than Chlorella vulgaris. This makes the cell wall of Chlorella pyrenoidosa more resistant to physical and chemical treatment and it is known to be more resistant to pollutants in the environment. This characteristic can be important when considering the use of Chlorella in bioremediation and wastewater treatment applications.

Also, Chlorella vulgaris is known to be easier to culture and has a higher growth rate, making it more economical for mass production. Chlorella pyrenoidosa is often considered to be a more "pure" strain of Chlorella and is considered to be higher in nutritional value.

Both species are considered a rich source of protein, vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants. Both are used as dietary supplements and ingredients in health foods, but research suggests that Chlorella pyrenoidosa may have higher levels of certain nutrients, such as beta-carotene and chlorophyll, as well as higher antioxidant activity.

In summary, while both Chlorella vulgaris and Chlorella pyrenoidosa are species of green algae that are rich in nutrients, they do have some differences in terms of size, cell wall composition, growth rate and resistance to environmental factors.

What is Chlorella pyrenoisoda used for?

Chlorella pyrenoidosa is a species of green algae that is known for its high nutritional value and potential health benefits. As a result, it is often used as a dietary supplement and as an ingredient in some health foods.

It is particularly high in protein, vitamins, minerals, antioxidants and chlorophyll, which makes it a popular choice for people looking to improve their overall nutrient intake. Chlorella pyrenoidosa is also known for its ability to absorb pollutants and heavy metals from water, and as such it is also being researched for use in wastewater treatment and bioremediation.

Typical applications: Chlorella pyrenoidosa

Every day we are exposed to numerous harmful substances and toxins that are absorbed unnoticed through breathing, through the skin and through food. What can we do now to get rid of these harmful substances?

How about one of the easiest and tastiest methods - detoxifying lemonade! Normally, detoxification is only associated with some kind of cure where you have to drink bad tasting teas and walk around in the mudflats all day. In the meantime, however, this can be integrated into everyday life without an expensive trip and without starving. The superfood chlorella makes this easy. But if you don't want to take chlorella tablets or smoothies with chlorella powder, you can now enjoy the refreshing lemonade.

The company Felix Austria GmbH offers the "Helga" lemonade with chlorella. The microalgae has a high protein content, rich fibres, a high proportion of minerals and saturated fatty acids. Through its cell wall, the alga is able to remove harmful and toxic substances from the body and thus detoxify your body.

typical applications for Chlorella pyrenoidosa  powder

Typical applications

  • Chlorella powder is used as a food supplement, or as an ingredient in various foods such as lemonades, smoothies, power bars, etc.
  • As a feed, the powder is often integrated into mixed pet food.
certification Alganex icon

ALGANEX certificate system

  • ALGANEX guarantees a high quality product without impurities
  • Chlorella powder comes from 100 % controlled cultivation in closed systems

Product information: Chlorella pyrenoidosa

Chlorella powder is rich in protein, minerals, trace elements and vitamins. Especially the vitamin B12 content is appreciated by many consumers. With its high concentration of chlorophyllone, the plant green helps with iron and magnesium deficiency and has a positive effect on haemaglobin synthesis - which is good for muscles and nerves.

Chlorella pyrenoidosa is especially interesting due to its high amounts of protein.

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