Algae Soil Supplement
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Algae Soil Supplement

  • Improved soil health
  • Healthier crops
  • Reduced costs

Delivery time
On Demand weeks
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Introduction: Algae Soil Supplement

Why is algae soil supplement useful?

In modern agriculture, the importance of healthy soils cannot be underestimated. Soil health is the key to sustainable, high-yield and environmentally friendly agriculture. The regeneration of our soils must be the focus. Healthy soils are the basis for a sustainable supply of healthy food. Algae soil supplement can play a key role in restoring soil health.

How does algae soil supplement work?

The metabolic products in algae soil supplement have a supporting effect on the microbial communities in the soil and bring about changes in their diversity and occurrence. Tests and studies show that algal soil supplement activates a large number of bacteria and fungi and promotes their proliferation. These microbial communities help to make important nutrients available to plants and significantly improve soil properties.

What are the main benefits of algae soil supplement?

Cost savings are one of the most important benefits for farmers. The following factors can reduce costs through the use of algae soil supplement: Reduction in fertiliser requirements due to enriched nutrient uptake, reduction in pesticide requirements due to increased environmental stress tolerance, improved water retention and water efficiency resulting in reduced irrigation requirements, increased yields due to improved plant and root growth and improved product quality.

How is algae soil supplement applied?

Application may vary from case to case, depending on the crop and soil. In general, however, the following application recommendations can be given: 1,000 litres for 30-40 ha. Algae soil supplement can be applied all year round Algae soil supplement is safe for tank mixing with other agricultural inputs and manure. For more specific recommendations, please contact us.

How is algae soil supplement produced?

The algae soil supplement is a liquid that is obtained during the cultivation of microalgae in bioreactors. This product contains useful metabolic products that are produced during the growth process of the microalgae. These are then multiplied by a process and made available to the soil life. In cooperation with the soil microbes, important nutrients can be released, assimilated, dissolved and made available to the plants.

Typical applications: Algae Soil Supplement

typical applications for Algae Soil Supplement  Liquid

Typical applications

  • Reduction in fertiliser requirements due to enriched nutrient uptake
  • Reduction in pesticide requirements due to increased environmental stress tolerance
  • Improved water retention and water efficiency resulting in reduced irrigation requirements
  • Increased yields due to improved plant and root growth
  • Improved product quality
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