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  • Obtained from cell walls of red algae
  • Known for its geling properties

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Introduction: Agar

How is Agar made? Where does Agar come from?

Agar is a substance that is commonly used as a gelling agent in a variety of culinary and scientific applications. It is made from a type of seaweed called Gelidium or Gracilaria, which are found in the coastal waters of Japan, Korea, China, and other countries around the Pacific Rim.

The process of making agar begins by harvesting the seaweed, which is typically done by hand at low tide. The seaweed is then washed and carefully sorted to remove any debris or impurities.

Next, the seaweed is boiled for several hours in water to extract the agar. The mixture is then filtered to remove the seaweed fibers and other impurities. The remaining liquid is then cooled and allowed to solidify, forming a jelly-like substance. This solid agar is then broken into small pieces and dried, either in the sun or in a dehydrator.

After drying, the agar can be further processed into different forms, such as powder, flakes, or bars, depending on the intended use. The powder form is the most common one, which can be dissolved easily in boiling water and can be used in various applications, such as making jelly, ice cream, and cosmetics.

Agar is often considered as a plant-based alternative to gelatine which is derived from animal products. Agar has similar properties to gelatin and is used in a similar way, but it is vegetarian and vegan-friendly, and also it has a higher melting point and firmer set than gelatin. Because of these properties, agar is often used in a variety of applications in the food industry, as well as in scientific research, such as in the cultivation of microorganisms, and in the preparation of biological samples for microscopy.

Who discovered Agar?

Agar is a substance that has been used for centuries in various cultures around the world, particularly in Asia. It is derived from seaweed, which has been used in traditional cooking and medicine for many years.

The modern use of agar as a gelling agent in culinary and scientific applications can be traced back to the 1820s, when the Japanese scientist and inventor Hanaya Kohei discovered that agar could be used to make a type of jelly that was similar to traditional European jellies, but could be made without the use of animal-derived ingredients.

Kohei discovered that agar, a jelly-like substance derived from red algae, could be used as a gelling agent, that is a substance that can be used to make other substances into a gel. He started using it as a food ingredient and began to market it as a substitute for traditional European jelly which was made from animal-based gelatin.

Kohei's discovery led to the commercial production and widespread use of agar in Japan, and it eventually spread to other countries as well. Today, agar is widely used around the world in a variety of culinary and scientific applications, and is considered a versatile and useful substance in many fields.

It is worth noting that Agar has been traditionally used in various cultures as a food ingredient, and the discovery by Hanaya Kohei was the discovery of its potential as a substitute for gelatin.

How does Agar work?

Agar is a substance that is commonly used as a gelling agent in a variety of culinary and scientific applications. The gelling properties of agar are due to its chemical composition, which is made up of a type of carbohydrate called agarose, as well as other types of sugars such as galactose and rhamnose.

When agar is dissolved in hot liquid, the agarose and other sugars form a network of long, linear chains that become entangled with one another. As the liquid cools, these chains begin to solidify, forming a gel. This process is called gelation.

The process of agar gelation is reversible, meaning that when agar gel is heated, the gel structure breaks down, and the agarose and other sugars once again dissolve in the liquid.

Agar gelation can be influenced by several factors, such as the concentration of agar in the liquid, the temperature at which the liquid is cooled, and the presence of other dissolved substances.

The properties of agar gels are also affected by the chemical environment, pH and salt concentration. Agar gelation is sensitive to pH and ionic strength, at pH above 8.2, agar will not solidify, and adding salt ions to the solution decreases the gelling ability of agar.

Due to these properties, agar can be used in a variety of applications, such as in the food industry as a thickener or gelling agent, and in scientific research as a solid support for growing microorganisms and as a medium for preparing biological samples for microscopy.

Why is Agar used in culture media?

Agar is commonly used as a gelling agent in culture media for the cultivation of microorganisms. Culture media is a liquid or semi-solid mixture of nutrients that is used to provide the necessary ingredients for the growth of microorganisms such as bacteria, fungi, and algae.

Agar is particularly useful in microbiology because it forms a solid gel that can be used to hold the microorganisms in place. This allows scientists to easily observe and study the microorganisms without them floating away in liquid medium.

Agar can also be used to create different types of culture media, such as solid, semi-solid, and liquid media, depending on the application. By adding different combinations of nutrients, scientists can create specific types of culture media for the growth of particular microorganisms.

Additionally, agar can be sterilized by heating at high temperature (around 121 C) to remove any unwanted microorganisms before adding the desired microorganisms. This sterilized agar in the media can be used to create a sterile environment for the growth of the desired microorganisms, which helps to ensure that the culture is free from contaminants.

Another property of agar is that it can be used to create a barrier between two different types of culture media, known as a "partition" or "semi-permeable" barrier, which allows the growth of microorganisms on one side, but not the other. This can be useful in various applications, such as studying the interactions between microorganisms and other organisms, or isolating specific microorganisms from a mixed culture.

Therefore, agar is an essential ingredient in microbiology and many other scientific fields, due to its ability to form a solid gel, which makes it an useful tool in various types of culture media and its properties such as ability to sterilize, and the ability to form a semi-permeable barriers.

What is the difference between Agar, Agarose and gelatine?

Agar, agarose, and gelatin are all substances that can be used as gelling agents, but they are chemically distinct and have different properties.

Agar is a complex mixture of carbohydrates that is derived from certain species of seaweed, primarily Gelidium and Gracilaria. It is composed mainly of two types of sugars, agarose and agaropectin. Agarose is the main component responsible for the gelling properties of agar, while agaropectin is responsible for the texture and elasticity of the gel. Agar has a wide range of uses, including as a gelling agent in food and in laboratory research, primarily in microbiology.

Agarose is a purified form of agar, and it is composed mainly of agarose. It is a linear polysaccharide composed of repeating units of D-galactose and 3,6-anhydro-L-galactose. Agarose gel is a more stable gel and it has a wider pH range for gel formation than agar, and it is often used in the analysis of biomolecules such as nucleic acids by electrophoresis.

Gelatin is a protein derived from collagen, which is a protein found in animal connective tissues such as bones, skin and tendons. Gelatin is used as a gelling agent in many food applications, as well as in certain technical applications such as in the production of capsules for medicines and as a clarifying agent in some types of wine, beer and fruit juice. Gelatin is not suitable for vegetarian or vegan diets and it also has a lower melting point than agar.

In summary, while agar, agarose, and gelatin can all be used as gelling agents, they are chemically distinct and have different properties. Agar and agarose are derived from seaweed and are composed mainly of carbohydrates, whereas gelatin is derived from animal collagen and is a protein. Agar and agarose have a wider range of applications in microbiology research and laboratory use, and agarose is a more stable gel with a wider pH range. Gelatin is more commonly used in food industry as a gelling agent, but it is not suitable for vegetarian or vegan diets, and also it has a lower melting point compared to agar.

Can Agar be remelted?

Yes, agar can be remelted. Agar is a thermoreversible gelling agent, which means that its gelling properties are reversible and can be altered by changes in temperature. When agar is heated to a high enough temperature, typically around 85-95C, the long chains of carbohydrates that make up the gel will begin to break down and the agar will dissolve back into a liquid.

This property of agar allows for the remelting of the gel, making it useful for various applications such as preparing and pouring agar plates for microbiological culture or for making multiple layers of jelly.

It is important to note that if the agar solution is overheated or boiled for a long time, the gel strength of the agar may be impaired, which will make the agar gel weaker and less stable. Also it is important to remelt the agar while stirring gently to avoid creating air bubbles in the gel that can interfere with the experiment.

Additionally, If you are trying to remelt agar and it is not dissolving, it could be that the agar has been over heated on a previous occasion and lost it's gelling properties. It is also worth noting that some brands of agar may be formulated to have a higher melting point, and therefore may not remelt as easily as others.

Can Agar expire?

Agar itself is a very stable substance and does not spoil or expire easily.
However, if the agar has been stored in damp or humid conditions, or if it has been contaminated with microorganisms, it may become less effective as a gelling agent or may no longer be sterile.

Dampness or humid conditions can cause the agar to absorb moisture and therefore lose its gelling properties, making it difficult to re-dissolve or melt. Also, if it's exposed to air, it can develop mold or bacteria which makes it difficult to use.

If the agar is in powder form and has been stored in an airtight container in a cool, dry place, it should remain stable for several years, however it's always recommended to check the manufacturing and expiry date on the packaging.

If you are using pre-poured agar plates, the expiry date should be written on the packaging or container. Once the agar plates reach their expiry date, they should be discarded and not used as they may not be sterile anymore or they may have lost their gelling properties.

In order to ensure that the agar remains stable and effective, it's important to store it properly and to check for any signs of spoilage or contamination before using it. If the agar appears to have been compromised in any way, it should be discarded and not used.

When does Agar solidify?

Agar is a thermoreversible gelling agent, which means that it solidifies when cooled and melts when heated. The exact temperature at which agar solidifies depends on the concentration of agar in the solution. Generally, agar solutions with a higher concentration of agar will solidify at a lower temperature than solutions with a lower concentration of agar.

The process of agar solidifying starts when the agar solution is cooled to around 40-50C, at this temperature the long chains of carbohydrates that make up the agar start to form interactions between each other, creating a network of fibers that will eventually solidify forming a gel. The gel will be fully formed when the temperature drops below 35C.

It is important to note that the process of solidification can be affected by other factors such as the pH, salt concentration and the presence of other dissolved substances in the solution. For example, Agar gelation is sensitive to pH and ionic strength, at pH above 8.2, agar will not solidify, and adding salt ions to the solution decreases the gelling ability of agar.

It is also worth noting that not all brands of agar may have the same gelling temperature, some brands may have a higher or lower gelling temperature depending on the specific formulation.

Typical applications: Agar

typical applications for Agar  Powder

Typical applications

  • Food and Biotechnology: Vegetable gelling agent
  • Cheese, bakery products and candy are considered typical applications

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